These first 12 essays establish the most important aspects of reality as we humans know them.
Identify the Problem- the two ways we screw it up
Briefly- truth, joys and best works solve the problem we have with inaccurate ideas, unaccountable power and harmful actions
Simple Truths Learned the Hard Way-good intentions; our machine; deception and/or unaccountable actions cause evil; learning the truth about our lies and evil actions.
Human and Animal Joys As Motivators-my unique flow chart about human joys and how they motivate us, are lied about, and how we allow them to cause evil outcomes.
What Are Humans Trying To Do and Why?-the universal first principles that all humans believe because we are different than animals; the four ways we are motivated and the problems with each; human language; human morality; how golden-rule thinking and/or trade cause beneficial results and accountability; the idea of a god who intended our interaction of parts aids better human outcomes and all that humans can value.
Jesus the Radical-get out of the way pseudo radicals!!
Tolerance, Groups and Truth-how alleged tolerance and groups are used against the truth, real humans, and best works.
The Emperor’s New “Scientific” Theory-even a child with little knowledge can embarrass all who follow elite experts, government officials, and/or rulers
Murder, Money and Mammon-How viewing fellow humans according to superficial differences is used to foment violence/injustice/murder; what money is; how human values & wealth are attained best when efficient actions toward joys of all humans are the goal; how using money to motivate is good as long as we also seek joys that money cannot buy.
The Way of the Seeker-a few questions that cause us to think about what we humans are trying to do, how we are different than animals and how knowing accurate ideas about how we are different helps us to recognize that accountability to other humans and reality helps us attain the best results for all of reality. And a brief summary of what I think our brain does that gives us our capability to have brain-model thinking and all the capabilities it allows.
A Way Out-reasoning from the truths we know about our human sexuality to guide us away from one-sided sex (pornography, etc) and toward mutually beneficial sex and honest fulfilling relationships.
Atheism’s Adverse Effect On Seeking the Truth-recognizing that many atheists are more moral than many theists are, but pointing out that believing “the way we humans are put together is without a purpose” has inevitable consequences because we uniquely have our brain-model ability.